MBH Podcast Interview
September, 2021
In a lively and energetic chat, internationally acclaimed Canadian artist Peter Triantos discusses his late entry into the industry, motivating young artists, his life-changing trip to Korea, his hit "Jelly Bean" series, as well as his thoughts on the emergence of NFTs. Important concepts covered in this legendary episode include the motivation for growth, the importance of using your voice on social media, and it never being too late to follow your dreams.
Iconic “Jelly Bean” series featured in HGTV’s “Property Brothers”, 2019.
On His Beginnings
I’m an immigrant and that always remains with you, so I have a lot of things to prove here, for myself. I want to make my parents, that have both passed away, proud. I did everything: I was a waiter, I was a busboy, I delivered flowers during the recession, I did every job, and deep down inside I felt like I had a card. And I knew that someday I would pull it out. You can be whatever you want. At about 33, I opened up a gallery. I was still working construction, and this was a new world to me. I left contracting at 47.
On Finding Success
What is success? You gotta feel comfortable in your skin. You gotta have that love. Be authentic. You have to understand that everything you do, if you do it with love, it is important. I loved carpeting, but not the mass production of it. You don’t even get to look at the house that you finished. But if I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t be the artist that I am today. A lot of the techniques I use in art came from carpeting. Everything you learn makes you that much more rounded and you use it in your arsenal. Love is the key.
On His Unconventional Path
The first game plan is that I don’t have a game plan. Because things can change. So you have to be a chameleon. Having my wife, Seraphina, there for me, backing me, that’s priceless. Her first day in the gallery, she sold the whole gallery out - because she believed in me. I didn’t even believe in myself at the beginning, so I could sell maybe 2 paintings or 3. But she sold the whole gallery out. She told me: “Take them off the stretchers they’re going to New York”. When we eventually flew to New York for my first exhibit, I didn’t even have the money to pay for my hotel room. I paid US $15,000 to fly myself and my work there. I had to borrow money to pay for my booth. But I took a chance. I put my work up along with thousands of other artists and I sold a painting right away.
On His Advice to Young Artists
Just work and make the product. Don’t try to be perfect. Just do it. Just paint. Everybody has a place. If I’m given a voice, it’s not about money, because I can make money as a builder. You need to be focused. You have to make mistakes, to be authentic, to be genuine in who you are, in what your goals are. Age just gives you wrinkles. It doesn’t guarantee success. Love is key. If you don’t like what you’re doing, you’re not even gonna wanna get up in the mornings. You gotta see some rainbow at the end of that rainy day. There’s a voice that you have inside you. Is everything perfectly planned? I don’t think it is. But deep down I think we all know where we’re going. You have to be firm in your direction. People… we love comfort. You have to stray away from comfort.
“Napa Valley” series exhibited by Guggenheim in Napa Valley, California, 2019.
Peter' Triantos’ inspiring feature in DOLCE Magazine, 2021.
On the Impact of Social Media
Artists now have a voice. Art has given me a voice. I wanna make sure I don’t say something that’s hurtful. I want to help the younger generation. You can’t let social media get to you or it could destroy you. When you see a lot of attack sometimes, that could be a very good thing. I believed in myself so much, that I knew I wouldn’t fail, and people like authenticity. We’re all given a voice. What is your voice gonna be to the future generation? I think it’s a great thing when you’re influencing other people. We donate to every great cause because I believe in helping one another. I want to make sure that I am doing good things for humanity. What’s the most important commodity we have? Time. How much is it worth? We don’t have an abundance of it. Make sure you do something good.
On Current Projects and the Emergence of NFTs
My clients are all amazing. We’re very fortunate. I’m 40 commissions behind right now. I feel guilty even being away from the studio. But the passion has to build. When I’m ready to paint, it might be a week sometimes, because I’m giving you a piece of myself. But when I create, I come alive. Now, with the Phunkx t-shirts that we are launching, I wanted to keep a young flavour, with the graffiti designs. I wanna make sure that I do have my ears open and my eyes open to the art of the streets. You have to be open. It’s a new world. NFTs already have changed the art world. When I was growing up, people wouldn’t believe that you could buy anything off a screen… look at it now. NFTs are very important. We are collaborating with major partners, where our clients will soon be able to buy NFTs off our gallery screens.
On the Purpose of Art
I’m bringing joy to people’s homes all over the world because people need it. Art is important to humanity. It is the essence of humanity. It brings flavour. Art brings light into a home. I can’t imagine my life if I’d never found the arts - it is something that gave me great joy. I’m seeking truth and art has shown me a lot of truth. When it’s all said and done, I wanna put a dagger in Canadian art history. Nobody owns the art world. I’m gonna step in it. Everybody should be participating in it. Throughout history, art has been a secret for the rich. The greatest collectors were always people of great wealth, but everyone should have access.
Another Peter Triantos’ gallery now open in new Yorkdale Shopping Centre location.